Now if you’re looking to fix the “ERROR” texture then this will be down to you simply not having the mod needed installed, so find out the mods name and download it. They are caused by you not having the file needed for them to appear as they should, this will be down to you not having a source game. Why are there missing textures in Garry’s Mod? Open the “garrysmod” Folder, then open the “addons” folder.Right Click Garry’s Mod, click Properties>Local Files>Browse Local Files.

Extract the folder contained within the Zip File.You can copy current material with selected index from model by Reload. Videos into gif sprays moving animated spray paint etc. Usage: select index, select material, apply tool. Author Topic: I will create gmod sprays for you Hello everyone. How do you use the sub material tool in GMOD? Step 3: Make a folder called autorun in the LUA folder.Step 2: Make folders inside the folder.Step 1: Download an image to use as a material.Before you start this tutorial you’ll need two programs.